
Women Bustin' Barriers

Live Event

March 25-26, 12pm-3pm EST

Women Bustin' Barriers Summit

Women Have Busted Through a Myriad of Barriers and we're called to Bust Through More, both for ourselves and our sisters that follow, in the US and around the world.

Who is this for?

Women Ready to Move Up

Whether you want to move up in your finances, your business or any other area of your life, this Summit will give you tips, tools & inspiration for your next big steps.

What will you learn?

Identify Barriers (Seen and Unseen)

Our Summit speakers will share their experiences to create new awareness regarding the barriers women face– both the ones we can see and those unseen ones, the latter of which are often the biggest blocks to our success.

How will you Bust through Barriers?

Practical Strategies & Models to Follow

Through the examples of the courageous and committed women who've busted barriers themselves, you'll learn practical strategies to move you forward, too.

Our Extraordinary Women Bustin' Barriers Guests

A Portion of the VIP Proceeds Benefit

Camille Robb’s 501(c)(3) JFC For You, Inc.


JFC For You, Inc.

Our company is on a mission to help those in need. We provide Food, Clothing, Education and Housing for the less fortunate by providing them with services that are not always available or affordable to them.

Our History

Started In 1990. We have been feeding children since 1990, which started out with just me trying to make a difference in just one child's life and now we have fed thousands of children, not only local but global.

"I can't feed everyone but everyone can feed someone; and it starts with me." 

Camille Robb


March 25th & 26th

(Online from 12 pm to 3 pm EST)

VIP Access - Only $97

  • A portion of VIP Proceeds will be donated to Camille Robb’s JFC FOR YOU INC. 501(c)(3), which feeds, houses & educates under privileged kids–both here in the US and all over the Globe. Learn more here and consider upgrading to VIP, for this reason alone.

YET there’s MORE to your VIP upgrade:

  • Exclusive Group Coaching - (Tuesday, April 2nd at 12 noon - 1pm EST) with Debra Morrison on how to  “Stop Throwing Good Money After BAD!”

    You will learn how to move from the passenger seat to sitting behind your own financial car’s steering wheel, taking radical responsibility to create and control your Intentional Wealth.

  • Replays of ALL 10 Women Bustin' Barriers Summit Interviews, with Searchable Transcriptions for easy review & reference. 

  • Your Manifestation Journal for Creating a Thriving Rich Life

Complimentary Registration

  • 10 Action Packed Interviews Sessions sure to deliver Inspiration to Motivate you to Bust through whatever your next Barrier may be; We Can Do It Women!

  • Each speaker will drop valuable Actionable Take-Aways

  • Q&A Opportunity with Each Guest Speaker & Debra

  • PLUS, FREE gifts from each of our speakers

Debra L. Morrison, CFP®

Founder, We Can Do It Women™

Meet Your Host

Debra L. Morrison draws on her four decades of financial expertise, including her Master's Degree in Retirement Planning, to support women in achieving financial independence. Since retiring from that active practice, for the last 3 years, Debra has coached mature women to Navigate Their Finances.

Coupled with her long-standing commitment, drive and passion to bust through barriers, Debra stands as a fierce advocate for all women to achieve all they desire -- without limitation.

She has dedicated her life to working with individuals and organizations to ensure that our basic civil rights are honored, we all have access to financial answers as we have questions, and we preserve as well as compound our wealth.

As seen on and in: